Children's Skills Development Program

Empowering young genius world wide, Genius Hub Academy Does It Very Simple.

Children's Skills Development Program

Empowering young genius world wide, Genius Hub Academy Does It Very Simple.

Genius Hub Academy improves your child’s mental math and overall academic performance


Programs Specialized for 4 - 14 Year childrens

Leading the way for a sustainable future.


Abacus program aims at enhancing and optimizing the child’s hidden potential such as their imagination, creativity and computation skills.


Would you like your child to multiply within 30 seconds without any aid?

The answer is-“VEDIC MATHS”


Phonics is the method of teaching children how to read. Children are taught how to “sound out” new words.


In India, We have provided Abacus Training to more than 50 individuals. The Abacus Training offered by Smart Kid is the Latest and Most Comprehensive Abacus Training Program in the Abacus Training Industry.

At GeniusHub Abacus we offer dedicated Live Online Abacus Classes for Kids & Online Classes for every Course offered by the Company. We aspire to provide Value Based Quality Abacus Online Training to aspiring Teacher & Students.

Why us?

Every Child Is Unique, We Help You Unwrap the Package.

Learn your patterns of excellence and to nurture them in a way you are celebrated as a model of excellence, where ever you go.

Learning & Fun

We have been educating children for over 2+ years. Our goal is to create a place that engages each child.

Slill Development

To help your child learn the foundation skills of leadership so that he/she can know what it takes to be a world class inspiring leader.

Qualified Teachers

We have well qualified & experienced teachers helping children develop important skills they will build on for a lifetime is certainly fulfilling.


Learn at the comfort of your own home, We offer you a brighter future.


Some of glimpses


Get In Touch

If you have any questions, feel free to send a message.

66 Ashrith le parc Ecity Bangalore -100

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